Welcome to Tearmann Healing Centre
Tearmann Healing Centre in Ballyheigue, Kerry has been a safe and secure haven offering counselling and psychotherapy to individuals and couples as well as courses and workshops on various aspects of mind, body and spirit since 1999.
Tearmann is the Gaelic word for sanctuary and that is what is offered at the centre – a place of welcome and kindness, a place of nourishment and hope, a trusting and heart-centred environment that combines professional competence and deep care for each person.
Josephine Fitzgibbon, a fully qualified and accredited psychotherapist, runs the centre. Josephine has extensive experience in facilitating workshops and groups on various themes – healing, spirituality, and environmental awareness.
Josephine specialises in:
☯ Counselling
☯ Psychotherapy
☯ Biodynamic Massage
☯ Meditation
About Josephine Fitzgibbon
Josephine Fitzgibbon has a deep interest in healing at all levels and offers psychotherapy, counselling and biodynamic massage at Tearmann Healing Centre.
She is an accredited psychotherapist with IAHIP and has a private practice at Tearmann Healing Centre where she works with individuals, couples and groups.
Josephine has facilitated a variety of courses and workshops in personal development, spirituality and healing.
She holds a Diploma in Biodynamic and Integrative Psychotherapy and is a registered member of the Irish Council of Psychotherapy.
Josephine has over 15 years experience as a counsellor and psychotherapist and is passionate about the value of this work. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to witness and accompany many people through their struggles and difficulties towards a new sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.
Josephine also believes it is important to make connections between health in ourselves and a healthy planet, being independent and yet aware of interdependence; balancing individual human needs with a broader concern for our planet and its scarce resources. She also believes in the importance of attending to the spiritual in life.
She welcomes opportunities to accompany people who wish to explore their spirituality and meaning systems in order to be in right relationship with all life forms.

Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling offers a secure and non-judgemental environment for dealing with personal difficulties and issues. These may be specific, e.g. relationship problems, eating disorders, or general, e.g. anxiety, fear, low self-esteem. Josephine's approach is tailored to suit the needs of each individual person enabling them to move beyond their difficulties and connect with their strength and potential.
Psychotherapy (care of the soul) offers a safe and supportive space for exploring life issues and problems. These problems sometimes present as physical symptoms, emotional pain, unhealthy behaviour patterns or lack of purpose in life.
In both counselling and psychotherapy, the relationship between the person seeking help and the therapist / counsellor is vital.
Josephine's method is humanistic and person-centred cherishing the dignity, vulnerability and potential of each person. It is also biodynamic. There is active encouragement for the life force within – which may be hidden and repressed through various traumas and experiences – to express itself and so lead to a greater degree of joy and fulfilment.
Counselling / Psychotherapy is of great benefit in dealing with the following:
☯ Depression
☯ Anxiety
☯ Panic Attacks
☯ Bereavement
☯ Stress
☯ Low Self-Esteem
☯ Childhood Traumas
☯ Sexual Abuse
☯ Suicidal Thoughts
☯ Spiritual Crises
☯ Fear / Anger
☯ Work & Relationship Issues
Biodynamic Massage
The term biodynamic refers to our life force that moves us and brings us to life – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Biodynamic Massage works with the energy or life force of the body. The body has its own healing powers and Biodynamic Massage supports this natural process. Regular massage helps us to regulate our stress levels, nourishing us and helping us to feel more fully alive.

Biodynamic Massage and Psychotherapy.
Biodynamic Massage is also used in conjunction with counselling and psychotherapy. The principle of Biodynamic Psychotherapy is that mind and body function together in an emotional process, and that traumatic experiences can build up chronic physical and psychological blocks.
This holding often manifests as tight or slack muscles, aches and pains, a general lack of energy and enthusiasm for life or unhealthy behaviour patterns. By working with the chronic blocks, body work with counselling or psychotherapy can help us to release and deal with suppressed feelings, leaving us freer to enjoy life more fully.

What is peristalsis and psychoperistalsis?
In biodynamic massage, the gut is seen as having a double function – to digest food and to digest stress. Peristalsis is the spontaneous wave-like motion of the intestine as it digests food. Psychoperistalsis is the name given to the digestion of stress. By using a stethoscope, the therapist can hear these actions. When the energy is flowing freely, the psychoperistalsis is fully functioning and the body is better able to cope with stress.
Group Facilitation
Josephine has over 20 years’ experience of facilitating groups in a variety of settings – community, education, church, intercultural and organisations.
She is committed to the empowerment of others and draws inspiration and methodology from her experience as a psychotherapist and from her own personal life. Josephine values the uniqueness of every person’s path and wisdom and feels privileged to accompany and encourage others on their journey.
Meditation and Reflection are vital aspects of our work here in Tearmann Healing Centre. Holding an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and our collective responsibility for the wellbeing of all creation, Josephine attempts to discern a holistic vision for these challenging times. Each evening there is space for guided meditation, silence, poetry, reflection and sharing.
Meditation is held fortnightly on Thursdays from 8 - 9.30 pm

Contact us
V92 FY79
066 7133 736
087 753 0151